For the last half decade I have been walking around listening to talks of many educated people about waste and no doubt of many few of them were so good and I was really inspired by them. I was so inspired that I started to take actions in my own little ways. Wherever I went, I carried the message of "reducing, reusing and recycling" of waste which is purely because of the inspiration I got from many people and many of my teachers. This practice has also been practiced in many schools across the nation and in many parts across the world. Together, we all have taken a step forward in combating waste and it is a huge achievement for us.
One thing that hinders me is that it is high time that we leap one step further and enrich the existing the idea of reduce, reuse and recycle. But the question is that what should be the fourth R? Even if we are able to replenish a new word how should we define and implement it to the reality context to make it more practical made me worrisome till the recent past. However, after thinking for a while I finally got an idea of the fourth "R", which I will explain in the later part of this writing.
Now, let me explain how I started implementing my small ideas in fighting with waste in day to day life. One thing is true that, we don't need to take big steps in bringing change as I have always said, " be the change to bring change for the society". So I started with how we can reduce waste and it is so simple that anyone can do. Look at the picture below and think, "do we need to buy a separate stands for pens and pencils when it can be simply made this way with our waste papers?".
Pen stand made by my student during the "best out of waste competition"
This picture conveys so much powerful message for me as it is purely made from waste papers and we don't need to buy from market thereby saving your money by small folds too. Some might argue saying that, we can buy pen stands made from wood but people should also remember that many trees were cut before processing them to such fine products but papers are necessity but the pen stands are our wants, not needs. I would strongly agree if you choose to make one from unwanted wooden blocks and not buy any. Also the pen stand in the picture is made from used papers not new ones. The used papers otherwise could have gone to dustbins. Answer my question now. "Are you going to buy a new pens stand or make one the next time you need this?". The choice is yours.
The above picture may not convince you all, so I have the second one too. The picture below is a dustbin made from hard drinks bottles. Therefore, if you are using these bottles to make something like this, we are firstly reducing waste as these bottles would have gone to some open grounds and littered the beautiful environment and we are also reusing them. Here comes the concept of reducing and reusing the waste. Take some seconds to think, how many dustbins have you bought and I am pretty sure that most of them are plastics. I agree that the picture below is also a plastic but you don't need to buy these bottles. We can get them in and around the places that we live. You can also make it from waste planks and ply woods if you want. But the logic I wanted to share here is that we must do away with brand new plastic dustbins at homes.
Dustbin made from rockbee bottles by one of the class
Are you convinced? Some of you may agree with me yet I know some of you may still argue with me for various reasons. Some might say weather we throw or make dustbins still the pollution is the same. We can do almost nothing about the emission created by these bottles. I totally agree with that. But, I won't be able to go to every people who drink and give advise for which I might get some huge blows. Either these liquor factories stop producing these fermented juice or we stop drinking and both are not feasible. So, the simple solutions would be we collect them make something new and not add by buying more plastics products like dustbins and pen stands etc. If 10000 people in Bhutan, implement my idea at home, we will reduce at least 20000 (2 per house) dustbins made of plastics. Even if we calculate total cost saved, then 20000 *100 (per dustbin)= 2, 000, 000 (2 million). Remember all these dustbins are imported from India and saving 2 million India currency during such I.N.R crisis from dustbins in wow. From dustbins I seriously mean.
If you find the above task difficult, then I have one more idea for you guys. See the picture below and if you walk towards Drugyel Dzong in Paro, you might find one or two such dustbins that I made when I was teaching in Utpal. It is so easy to make as you can take the used oil cans to make it. If you keep it inside you house, away from moisture contacts, it will last for about a decade. Isn't it cool.
Dustbin which I made from oil cans at Satsham, Paro
I have one more to show and explain. The dustbin below was made from used jute robes, waste pipes and bamboos. I collected the unwanted robes from a construction site, joined them and coiled around the bamboo frames as shown below. Instead of pipe you can also use bamboo or wood as the rim. I had also made a broom from plastic bottles and it is so easy too. It can be done in no time although the dustbin takes some time and patience. The dustbin is perfectly eco-friendly.
Dustbin made from coconut jute, bamboo and pipe
Now, the explanations and pictures above definitely explains the concept of reducing, reusing and recycling (to some extend) waste. But, my objective was one more "R", and its derivation. What do you think the fourth "R", should stand for?
To me, it should be REFUSE. But, how can we refuse waste? The answer is simple. Every time we for shopping, imagine the amount of plastic bags and other waste that we bring home. Is that necessary? We may not even notice but try reflecting, how much unwanted waste we collect and it can be simply avoided. We just need to be little more conscious and be mindful, nothing more. So I have promised myself and I refuse plastic bags whenever I go for shopping. I carry my small bag to carry everything that I buy. Frankly speaking, this I have started very recently and it works.
It is 100% possible if we think positively. "Be the change to bring change for the society". I have changed. Have you/will you?
A small bag which I carry for my shopping
Lastly, the fourth "R", stands for refuse but should it be the fourth or the first one. The choice is yours. For me, it is the first at least from now.