Monday, November 17, 2014

The last leaf


Photo- Sonam Peljor

When I first saw this photo I just felt wow, what a beautiful scene it was.  But after seeing the picture for sometime, I felt that within no time it will fade away like those other leaves which although were equally beautiful and stood so proudly high above the ground someday but were blown to the unknown destination now. These struck my mind and made me realize that nothing is permanent so will this leaf be. But the leaf also ensures that as long as it is there, it will cherish every moment of its life.
I compared the faith of this leaf to our life we lead. We are born; we grow up into adults, we get married, have kids, grow old and finally the day comes where we would be just seconds away from our last breadth. However powerful we may be but this movement is certain and no one can escape from that.
Like the faith of this leaf depends on wind that would take it away so shall our soul depend on the faith of hope. In the distant land we may go, how far we never know nor did we ever heard of, as it depends on our karma is what people say. How far is it true, god knows.
As said earlier, on thing is true, both the faith of this leaf and our lives. Some moments from now we must head towards our unknown destiny. How soon or later we don’t know again. This makes me realize if tomorrow is my last day of my life, what is that I would do today. This helps me to grow in life. It gives me strength to understand that nothing is permanent. I see no reasons to be selfish, rude and hate others for no reasons. All I have in me is to enjoy my life to the fullest and help others so that my small sacrifice would bring changes in their life. The leaf give’s me answer why Buddha left his comforts to lead a simple life. It justifies why Alexander commanded his hands to be kept unfolded after his death.
Therefore, like this last leaf can only hope that it would be taken by the wind to a safe land let us hope that we too would find a safe place to be but let us also see that there are no reasons to be angry or selfish in lives we live. Let us cherish each moments we live with sense of love, respect and compassion.  Let peace be our principles of religion, love be the root of our actions and truth be the guiding pillars of our words. We shall create a history that was never before and shall never be again in future.

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