Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A step to be Successful

Listen More
Remember one thing always that when you talk less you automatically listen more and this is one important quality that one should have. Most people argue over their point whether it’s right or wrong. It’s good to debate but bad to argue. So always be sure whatever you are talking is correct or else do not unnecessarily fight for your point which is worthless and waste of time. So unless you have enough resource you should not talk estimating things.
So the best thing to learn is by listening. Always see what people are discussing and try to learn new things from them. Try to grab as much as possible and remember those important things at times to keep it permanently with you. Judge who is a better speaker and who is wiser. So once you have a habit of listening more you gather more resource and when your turn comes you will certainly feel very comfortable to give wide variety of examples and knowledge.
But in society we find this fact opposite. People want to talk more and listen less and they just want others to listen. Do not be such stubborn person in society. People may listen for certain period than start neglecting you. So have a upper limit in speaking. Try to listen to as many people as possible.
As Abraham Lincoln said to his son, “hear all men but also learn to filter them’’. So there are people who speak bad things or languages too. So just pretend to listen and neglect such stupid fellows. Do not fight or show your temper as this will certainly not at all benefit you. So be a calm person and live in your world.

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