Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Not so back from now, I had one good friend of mine and she did her bachelors and had returned back to country. I had heard that one Engineer who earned more than thousand dollars a month wanted to marry her. He came to meet her but she declined. Unfortunately I had heard that news which made me very eager to ask her. As soon as I met her I asked her why didn’t you marry him afterall he is an Engineer and earns huge sum of money. She smiled and replied me I have my poor boy friend whom I loved so much.
So what I said wanting to go little deeper. He was an Engineer you stupid. How much he earns have you ever dreamed of that, I said.
So what she replied. Had I got to see someone who earns lot of money then even some business wanted to marry and some contractors too were ready. I should have gone with them right.
So why didn’t you I said still confused.
Hm…what matters in life is commitment she said. I had chosen my love and given him my words. So I should keep them and commitment is more important than my life.
 Now I was left with no more words and it made me think so much and let me to write here this particular topic. And as she was so committed she married her boy friend and they are so happy now. That is the power of commitment.

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